
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey there! My name is Bernadette, I’m 17 years old, and a lover of all things music. Ohio has been my home since I was born, and it is full of my favorite souls: family and friends who overflow with love. My love for people and culture has always been in my life, but it exploded when I chose to have an intense relationship with Jesus. 

“Go out into the nations.” God said these words to me loud and clear during a chapel service at school one day. Not only did they spark a flame, but they encouraged. I knew God was calling me out into His world in this moment and could not have been more excited! Life is full of opportunities to grow and serve Him, and the opportunity to grow and serve all through His nations is INSANE. I am so blessed and thankful for this wildly exhilarating opportunity! 

I am SO beyond excited to see what God has planned and to be able to share it with you. Thank you for joining me along the way!