
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When I heard we were ministering in the Nepali dance bars, I was eager. I never thought we’d enter into this kind of ministry on the race, and it was happening in our final month.

So the night came, the first night we were going in.

We worshiped for a few hours, split into our groups, and off we went.

Walking up the stairs to the bar itself overwhelmed me more than I expected.

Thick smoke puffed out from the bottom of the door and bright lights strobed back and forth confusing my eyes with the contrast of how dark the room was.

Dark figures were drowning their thoughts with booze, screaming when the stage lit up indicating the start of another dance. They jumped up and down, howled, and made a mess of their food and drinks.

They were acting like animals.


The girls entered the stage ready to grab the eyes of the audience. They moved to the beat of the music, sometimes smiling, making eye contact with the men falling out of their seats. When their song ended, sometimes they’d come to our table and talk with us in the time they had. Though most were only about 18 years old, their eyes looked ages older. They looked tired. Worn. Numb.

Some chose this life, some were forced into it.

A life they felt trapped in.

A life that seemed to be the only option.


My heart fell. I was despondent, which led to an overwhelming wave of anger. I threw every question I could think of at God, not ready or wanting to truly hear the answer. I was far from ready to hear any truth from the God that lets this happen.

 The next day, I was drained of all energy in my body and mind. I knew I needed to take my questions and lay them at the feet of the Father, but I didn’t want to. I knew I needed to praise Him for He is good, but I didn’t want to. I was ashamed that I even went to a place of questioning the one true God who created everything. I slept for a while, and eventually wrote page after page in my journal of why I praise Him, why He’s a good Father, and why I love Him. My mindset went from ashamed to grateful; grateful that He had me see His children in a new light. I asked the Father for His truth and He simply said,

“Look at Me. I am the sky, I am the mountains, I am near and far. You yourself are created in my image. Why would you call My other creations inadequate? I didn’t create you to judge, dear one.” 

We serve the God who gently shows us His truth. Is that beautiful or what?


These men and women are in a different place than myself, but they never deserve to be looked at as less than. They are human, just as myself, who need the Lord to come in and capture their hearts.

 As we continued to go back to the bars, I went in with this new mindset. I knew each night would be different, but His children are still His children. This truth is constant.

 The second time we went, my eyes (and ears) were opened even more. I felt the Lord tugging on my ear, wanting to ask me something.

“Have you prayed for them?”

Another gentle wake-up call, I hadn’t prayed for these people at all.


Throughout the night, I prayed for each person I saw. I prayed for them as who they are: people in need of the truth. I prayed for joy to fill the room and their hearts. I prayed that the Lord would take them as His own and gently open their eyes to His might. I know prayer is powerful, but it never felt so tangible as it did this night.  

 I’m asking you now to join me in praying for the men and women in these bars. Pray that the Father would grab their hearts to Him with a strength that they can’t let go. A strength they don’t want to let go of. I pray your heart is broken for what breaks His. Our God is a Father of love, a Father who hears our prayers… each and every one of them. He does mighty things every day. Let’s pray the bold prayers that He would come in and take back what’s His.


9 responses to “Dance Bars Taught Me How to Pray”

  1. Bernadette, what an interesting way of looking at this situation. At first I think you were questing God why he let this happen or how were you going to make a change in their lives. After listening to Him you found out all He wants you to do is pray for them. What an easy task to do for Him. Love you lots and lots. Hugs and kisses. Mama

  2. God can do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or think….even change these people!! Thanks for reminding us that He loves them!
    Hugs and love, “Grandma” Pat

  3. I love hearing you spread God’s love. Your heart is golden sweet girl. ??

  4. What an experience! Prayers are exactly what they need. And you just being there as an example of God’s love. You never know when a seed is planted. But hopefully you gave hope to some of those girls. Prayers for all of them. And praying for a safe, healthy, and happy homecoming for you!! Hugs!

  5. I’m praying for them and you right now. Protection from anything not of God. Clarity to make right choices. Against confusion and judgement.
    Love you lady! Be bold and cover yourself with the armor of God. ?? Ephesians 6:10-20

  6. Bernadette, I hear your heart. I hear the angst, but I also see a young woman running to her Savior. I love that you turned your eyes to the Lord and chose to focus on “why I praise Him, why He’s a good Father, and why I love Him.” Such a powerful choice which I pray you will practice for the REST of your life!! This is just the beginning. Joy and peace and light are yours and available even in the midst of the darkness. Praying for each of you and for the precious lives you’ve encountered.

  7. Thanks so so much for sharing with everyone and being vulnerable! The struggle to not judge people or think bad about them is real and a constant struggle and fight to not judge. I often catch myself starting to think bad about someone or judging them and I get upset with myself often times but immediately after I go to prayer for them just like you did!

    Keep praying and loving all those around as you finish this crazy adventure we’ve gone on! See you soon!


  8. Sweetie, I seem to be thinking on this one a bit…. what you have written here and how you have written it stirs up so many thoughts and emotions for me. Sadness, anger, frustration, despair…. judgement…. love, joy, gratefulness, thankfulness, peace.

    Thank you for sharing your heart here and teaching through your learnings! Thank you for pressing in and staying the course with your Heavenly Father! Thank you for bringing HIS to HIM in prayer! Thank you for allowing your heart to be broken for what breaks HIS!

    What a great word this is Sweetie…. thank you for being strong and courageous in HIM!

    Love you so so so very much!!! And I’m looking forward to hugging you soon!