
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Living in America after 9 months of dramatically different cultures can be difficult. American culture is a night and day difference compared to the desert of Peru or the Indian cities. Learning how to live missionally in day-to-day life isn’t easy, but the Father is good. And this is a truth I’ve stuck to since landing at home 3 weeks ago.

Project Search Light is an event with Adventures in Missions that helps with this transition. A week in Gainesville Georgia back together with the people I journeyed with filled with worship, speakers, and genuine conversation about how to re-enter America well. The schedule is filled with helpful information, but this morning I felt a little too full to receive any more words. I asked a friend to record the morning sessions for me, and off I went to a coffee shop to sit and be with the Father.  

As I sat listening to worship music and drinking my coffee, I noticed the Lord’s hand at work in the tables around me. What seemed to be businessmen discussing work turned out to be businessmen sharing about the Lord’s goodness in their lives. They began to pray together and thank the God of all for His hand in their businesses. This was happening at two tables near my own, and I was brought back to a song sung yesterday during worship. The specific lyric sings

“it may look like I’m surrounded, but I’m surrounded by You.”

This felt so perfect to me. One of my fears in coming back to the states was that I wouldn’t see the Father as often in everyday moments due to feeling surrounded by distractions and obligations. Of course, the Father knew this and placed me perfectly to show Himself in the way I needed.

We live in a free nation that criticizes freely following Christ. I hear this is the news, in conversations, and in moments of disapproval between others. Seeing the Lord’s boldness and freedom in these men today encouraged me. They weren’t afraid of what anyone would say, they were simply talking to our Father, the Creator of all. He is at work in the nooks and crannies of life – even in the corners of coffee shops.


My prayer for myself and for you reading this is this:

Abba Father,

I pray now for our nation. I pray for Your children as we seek You out day to day. You are the One who fully sees me for who I am, and for that I am thankful. You are gracious, You are forgiving, and You are love itself. I will never stop praising You for loving me the way You do. Please reveal Yourself to our nation in ways we can’t deny are You. I pray you help me bring You to the places that need it most.

It’s in Your Holy and Precious name I pray,




Some of my favorite worship songs at the moment!

“Simple Gospel – Live” by United Pursuit

“Came to My Rescue – Live” by Hillsong Chapel

…and I recently discovered Red Rocks Worship! Do you have any favorites from them?


8 responses to “Praising Him is Our Business”

  1. The Lord has had me praying this morning for you and all of the racers experiencing PSL. May each of you go deeper and higher with His Spirit so that you return home more grounded in Him than ever before. This is just the beginning!! The rest of your lives with Him awaits. So much goodness ahead.

  2. Even though my ministry trip was quite a bit shorter than yours- only a week-it has been a journey all in itself since i returned. I find myself being challenged to not go back to things as usual. I hear His Spirit asking: Are you all in? Are you ready to believe the things that I say about you are more real than all the lies of the enemy? Are you willing to accept that in this life there will be sacrifices? Do you believe that You are already loved and accepted you will never have to earn it? Simply: choose you this day whom you will serve. The challenges we face in our times away from normal routine are a great tool to expose the places in our lives that need to be challenged, corrected, healed- i think perhaps there are times we can hear better in a different environment. How loving, gracious and compassionate is YHVH!!! I am left with Peter’s answer to Will you leave me as well? Lord to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and we have known that You are the Holy One Of God. Jn 6:68-69 Bernadette you are a very precious gift to this generation, we all have much to learn from being part of your journey. Love and blessings as you continue to seek HIM!! , Pat

  3. Sweetie, so glad that PSL was such a blessing to you! I look forward to hearing more about it upon our return to Ohio. I’m also blessed to hear of God’s goodness toward you!

    Love you so much!

  4. Hope the rest of PSL went well and your week was good. There are many examples around like those men having Bible study. It’s a wonderful thing! And we all need to live for Christ whether here in the US or in another country. Actions are noticed. Just like the song… Let them see You in me…!! People can see the Spirit in us – – even living our daily lives, routines and all! Bernadette, you will be a light to all whether you are doing something huge like the World Race or just running an errand at Target. 😉

  5. You are absolutely golden, Mrs. Hyde! Thank you for consistantly praying for us. He loves you so much.

  6. Amen to that, Kristi!! That’s a great word! You are one I see shining His light in everything. Thank you for your constant love and support!

  7. I read this comment a few days ago, but reading it today holds an entirely different meeting. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and words from the Lord with me and those around you with ease. These questions are questions I need to dive deeper into… whew! The Lord is so good! Thank you for seeking Him so well!!