
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


The gift of genuine friendship is a gift that never stops giving. Harper Whaley, a girl I went to Swaziland with last summer, is a genuine friend. Her laughter gives life in itself! For my birthday last year, she gifted me an assortment of items. One of which was a journal. An empty journal, waiting for a journey to fill it. To be honest, I hadn’t filled it with anything until the Lord told me to take it on the race with me. I already had a few journals packed, but I figured if the Lord wanted me to take it then hey, what’s one more journal? 


It hit me at World Race Launch what the Lord wanted the journey of this journal to look like. I wrote, “Savoring the Subtleties” on the front of the journal. 

Filling the pages are the little moments and pieces of life that I didn’t expect to adore, but just happen to be some of my favorites. I used to go to writing in this when I was upset and needed reminders of how beautiful this life is. Though I still do this, hard times aren’t the only times when we need encouragement. When I am joyful, the Lord brings these little moments to mind that I love so dearly. A 9-month mission trip sounds like one giant event. 9 months of one goal: being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. While this may be the ultimate goal in the long run, there are so many subtle moments in between the first and final month. 


An exchange of laughter with the woman selling empanadas on the street corner.


Praying for the shoe store owner after having a 20-minute conversation about Disney World.


Introducing smores to your newfound Chilean friends by making them with the gas stove.


Decorating the Christmas tree with your host mom who doesn’t speak any English.


I pray as I smile at the person on the street with the hard frown, as that may be the only smile given to them today. I pray as I see their tense features turn into an unexpected smile. I pray as I see the light in their eyes begin to glow. 



Each moment is an opportunity to give the undeniable love of the Father. It may be subtle and short, but seeking it out is worth it. I’m learning that these 9 months are full of these moments. Living day by day is too much now. Living moment by moments is the way I want to live; subtlety to subtlety. 




Here are some photos of my journal~ the cover and some of the pages.



Here’s what I’ve been listening to…

“Your Love is Alive” by Housefires

“Sweet Disposition” by The Temper Trap

“Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells


14 responses to “He’s in the Moments”

  1. I think you are finding out how important the small things are in our lives. And how happy they make us feel. When I go out to feed my birds and listen to their chirping in the trees I get a smile on my face because I think they are really saying thank you for feeding me. I know if I don’t do it God will provide for them. But is does make me feel good. I loved your examples that made you feel good. They didn’t cost much but you felt much better when you did them. Everyone rich or poor can do can do God’s good deeds. Loved the picture that you sent. Will share it with all of our friends. Hugs and kisses!! Mama

  2. Hello, Bernadette!! You are so right on….God gives us many little moments to cherish!! We just need to stop being so busy and recognize these gifts. AND a smile in any language is worth more than a thousand words! Praying and sending you our love and hugs!! “Grandma” Pat

  3. Such a thoughtful and endearing post! Thank you for sharing! We all need to enjoy the moment and enjoy the journey…. great reminder, especially during this beautiful Christmas season when some people get caught up in the hype and busyness. Hope you’re doing well. Keep smiling! We continue to pray for you. Hugs!

  4. I have a journal like that! I put it away when we moved. I’m going to get it back out. You inspired me!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Amen! God doesn’t always have to show up big to be working! Often times He is deep in those little moments, just begging for us to slow down and notice Him. I love how you pay attention and embrace those moments. And that is God’s subtlety for me today…feeling your warm hugs in my memories and see you beautiful smile in my pictures!! Love you bunches!!

  6. Oh how i love reading your blogs. Your eloquence with words puts me right across the table talking with you. I’m so happy your journal is full of all the sweet “little” memories that make a “big” impact. It will be such a treasure to look back at this journal through the years for encouragement, life lessons, answered prayers and to see the love of Jesus. Love you so much!!

  7. Gosh yeah I agree, I didn’t even think about this having to do with the Christmas season! That’s such a great point! Thank you so much for the prayers!

  8. WOAH! That’s awesome, Mrs. Cole!! I’d love to hear what’s written in your journal sometime. 🙂

  9. Slowing down and noticing Him is SO not easy, but SO worth it! Thank you so much for the encouragement!! 🙂 Love you so much!!!

  10. Mama I tell you what, I couldn’t agree more. I am loving these little things so so much. I thought about you yesterday~ my team went CREEKING! We went through this creek and got to a waterfall!! We showered off under the water and it was amazingggg hahah. Missin you and sending hugs your way… LOVE YOU!!!

  11. Thank you so much for your constant love and support, Mrs. Whaley!! Your sweetness makes me smile so much. Love you bunches!!! Thank you for loving me!

  12. Sweetie, I have read this and re-read this… and each time I am brought to tears… tears of wanting, tears of joy, tears of appreciation, tears of expectation. This is such a lesson for me, all of us really, living subtlety to subtlety. I crave that kind of living, and fail at it way too often. And the word ‘savoring’… what a rich, fragrant word…. to truly give oneself to the enjoyment of the subtelty, that would be awesome! I am learning so much from God through you and other Racers… thank you! Thank you for sharing what the Lord places on your heart! I am excited to press on and press in, knowing that His mercies are new each day! You are an amazing example to me in savoring the subtleties, being present, living and loving for HIM, and so much more! You inspire me Sweetie! Love you so so very much!!! xoxoxox