
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Abba Father has a heart for us.

The depths of His heart are vast.

There are caverns and caves that I have yet to see, yet to touch.

He holds stories, truths, wisdom, joy, the list goes on and on.

Some of these depths hold beauty we have no way of imagining.

Doesn’t this make you bubble up with happiness? Thinking about the heart of our Father amazes me beyond words. Recently, I listened to a podcast entitled ‘The Father’s Heart’ by Johnathan David Helser. It absolutely blew my mind. One of my favorite points was the fact that our God is not an insecure God. He is a Father who is strong and does not need to be reassured of how mighty He is. We don’t worship Him to reassure Him, this isn’t the point! We worship Him because we are giving back to Him what He first gave to us. Johnathan David then brought up this point: when we worship Him, the Father’s heart must be filed with an emotion that we cannot even fathom. The fact that there are emotions that we have yet to fathom… woah. What does that even mean??

I have no idea. Stay tuned for a blog post when I get to heaven.

Another noteworthy thing Johnathan David brought in was Psalm 23:2-3 specifically “He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” The part about still waters finally hit me.


What do we see when we look into still waters?


Our reflection.


And who are we a reflection of?


The Father.


He restores our soul by reminding us who we are and whose we are. We are made after His own heart.  Yep, that thing I talked about earlier that is completely unfathomable. I sometimes forget that I was created with the depth and joy the Father carries. I would never wish to tear down the indescribable beauty He is.


…so why do I tear myself down?









Seeing myself the way my Father sees me is so much more fun! Why wouldn’t I WANT to live this way?! Sometimes I stray away from these truths and open up the door for Satan to whisper lies to tear me down. When I close the door and run back to the Father, He takes me beside the still waters to remind me how He created me: in His image, with the depths of His heart.


Here’s what I’ve been listening to lately!

‘Little Saint Nick’ by the Beach Boys

‘Jingle Bell Rock’ by Bobby Helms

‘Theme from New York, New York’ by Frank Sinatra

7 responses to “Learning the Skill of Spelunking.”

  1. Bernadette, only you would think to look into the still waters and see what God wanted you to see. You described yourself beautifully. Just the way God would see you. This brought tears to Mama’s eyes. We love you so much! Merry Christmas! Love,Mama.

  2. Hi Bernadette! What a beautiful, uplifting post!! I actually had never thought of the still waters like that…. lovely!! And the picture of you in front of the mountains is beautiful. Thanks for sharing that beauty and encouraging us with your words. Hugs and prayers for you!

  3. Wow Sweetie… what good and powerful words… what truth! Thank you for sharing this… very sweet reminders from the Father! Very much love that HE is loving on you in this way! This really spoke to me, thank you! Also like your song choices… and wish you a joyful and blessed Christmas!!! Love you so so so very much xoxoxox

  4. This is a wonderful blessing to hear and see how you and the others are really moving out in your calling! You are continually becoming the woman of God he has planned for you. He is fulfilling the hope and future He holds for you. Continue to anticipate more from Him and more in you!
    Love you bunches, Doug

  5. Beautiful. Love your description of still waters!! Blessings to you and Gap L. Also, random side note. Thank for your picture of Justus with the light saber drawn in. Hilarious! I saved it and look at it often!!