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FOMO. Also known as, “fear of missing out.” As the extrovert that I am, I deal with FOMO in just about every situation. These past few days were Welcome Week here at CGA: a time of fellowship with the participants and teachers, hearing the truth of the Lord, and wild times of fun… all at a beautiful house on Lake Lanier. 

There were always SO many activities to choose from. Swimming in the lake, ping pong, chatting in the kitchen, watching a movie, board games, going on a hike, the list is endless. I wanted to do just about all of these things at the same time. Sadly, though I may think otherwise, it just doesn’t work that way. On our first full day at the house, this past Monday, I realized I needed some time to myself. I thought I would’ve wanted to run and jump into the lake with everyone else, but somehow the choice to be alone was an easy one to make. I’m the process of leaving home once again, moving down to Georgia, and getting settled, I hadn’t given a moment of my days to sit and be with the Father. I grabbed my journal, turned on some worship music, and went outside to lay under the stars and sit with Him. This is one of my favorite ways to be with The Creator. I decided to sit and listen to whatever He had to say to me.


“You crave a Father figure in your life… yet you won’t use your time to be with Me..?”


This truth hit me like a truck. It hit me that this was what I was missing out on. This was the ultimate feeling of FOMO. Missing out on the promises the Lord has for me… missing out on joy that ONLY He provides… missing out on the sweet whispers that can only be heard in the intimate moments… 


Why on EARTH would I want to miss out on theses? More importantly, why isn’t time with the Father the thing I’m feeling FOMO with?


Please hear me when I say that having fun and being adventurous is needed. It’s one of my favorite things. I can easily put these fun times before of my time with the Lord—a relationship I deeply care about that needs and deserves effort. Discovering how to balance these will take time and strict boundaries. It won’t be an easy overnight fix. One thing for sure, now that I’m aware of this truth in my life, I’m making a point to put it back into right order. You know the best part about all of it? God loves us SO much that He’s been with us along this process the whole time. He’s holding our hand and loving us unconditionally. He never gives up on His children. 


 I’d never want to miss out on what the Lord of all is speaking to me, but my actions sure weren’t showing that to be true. The truth is, I can’t be everywhere at once. But when I take time to spend with the Father on a daily basis, I start to see HIM everywhere at once. I see Him in the small daily tasks that feel like nothing, but show His glory loud and clear. I can’t wait to see the fruit that will come in this new seed being planted; thank you for walking with me in this journey.



Vance Joy’s new album, “Nation of Two”

Hillsong’s new album “THERE IS MORE”



3 responses to “How to Be Everywhere at Once”

  1. Oh my goodness Sweetie… what a good read for me today!! I have been missing out on and at the same time craving time with my Heavenly Father! Busy seasons take such discipline… thank you for this encouragement!!

    Love you and so very excited for you!!! To God be the glory!!!

  2. So powerful. The age old question. Why do I skip out on alone time with my heart’s desire? Why do I feel
    so compelled to fly forward in doing before being? Questions I have asked myself many times in different seasons of my life. Our Abba has been sooo faithful to show me and to meet with me when I return to stillness with Him. So glad you chose FOMO with Him first. This blog inspires me!

  3. M’Lady! When you are intimately related to Abba, you are in the royal court of the palace. There is no Him coming to be with you – He is already everywhere and at all times with you. In that intimate place where you “draw near to Him”, you leave where you are and enter into the place of His throne, your heart, His throne room. That is the place of love and power. Before Him, soak in all that He bestows until there is no more “balancing”, only harmony – a fitting together, a living together, Him and you, forever!