
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When I think of ‘praise’ and ‘worship,’ my first thought is adoration to the Father through song. This past week in class, my opinion on this was opened to the Hebrew reality. Through our worship director Arden, we learned about 7 Hebrew words for praise. To give you a quick summary…

  1. Halal – to praise, to boast, to act clamorously foolish. The word ‘hallelujah’ comes from this!
  2. Yadah – to throw, shoot, or cast glory to Him; to confess or give thanks. It translates directly to “open hands to God.”
  3. Towdah – confession & praise in reference to a peace offering. The root word is thanksgiving.
  4. Barak – to bless, to kneel, to salute.
  5. Shabach – to soothe, still, praise, commend; triumph.
  6. Zamar – to pluck the strings of an instrument, to play it and accompany it with the voice.
  7. Tehillah – to sing songs and praise highly in a public setting.

As he taught, Arden gave us activities to go along with these words to have a tangible example. With the word ‘yadah,’ he asked that we raise our hands in praise to the Father for the entirety of a worship song. We all know how long live worship songs can get, and this one was a solid 6 minutes. I was instantly thrown back to my childhood spent in the hospital dealing with an autoimmune disease called Juvenile Dermatomyositis. This disease attacked my immune system and specifically my muscles and nerves. Treatment after treatment, I dreaded going to the hospital. The test I dreaded the most was simple but usually ended in tears: to hold my legs and arms up as long as I could to test my muscle strength. Since my muscles weren’t to the place they were supposed to be, this test was difficult and oh so painful.

When Arden asked us to hold up our arms, I was thrown back to these tests. The pain they produced, the frustration that my body wasn’t working right, the embarrassment that I couldn’t do it, every feeling came to mind.

“When you start to feel the pain soak in, ask the Father to come and hold up your hands. He’s here and will sustain you through it all.”

This completely changed my mindset about it. I was able to get excited about the activity and see the beauty in it. I went back to the countless tests of lifting my arms and legs and asked the Father where He was in those times. He brought me back to the little hospital room and I saw Him cheering me on, wiping my tears, and holding my hands and legs when they wanted to quit. He was there even when I didn’t feel Him one bit.

As the pain began to set in with our worship activity, I prayed to the Father and asked that He would come alongside me in this pain. I felt His presence in the room and knew I needed to hold my own arms up. I knew that I was CAPABLE of holding my own arms up because He gives me strength. The goodness He pours out so graciously is worth all the praise I could ever give.

Class has been going on for a little over a month now and some days feel like a knife to the heart. Keeping my hands open and arms up in the difficult moments, the moments it hurts, are always the times overflowing with learning opportunities.


I haven’t been the best with sharing my story with you all as I’ve gotten to Georgia, and I’ve told myself excuse after excuse for why it’s okay.

“I’ve been busy with work…”

“Class consumes all of my energy…”

“I’ll get to it tomorrow…”

And I’m putting my foot down. I am deeply sorry for not taking the time to share my story. The Father has provided me with each of you to walk this journey with and withholding His joy is selfish on my part. He reveals so many fun and exciting things in day to day life—I’m beyond excited to share them with the people who I have the blessing of sharing life with. Thank you for being patient with me.


Here’s the music that’s pressed my heart recently…

“At the Table” by Josh Garrels

“The Mtn Song” by Rayland Baxter

“Old Pine” by Ben Howard

“Born Again” by Josh Garrels

21 responses to “my hands are open and it hurts.”

  1. Bernadette, we remember the visits to the hospital and how hard you would work to be able to hold your arms up. Now you know you have God’s love to help you in everything you do. You can call on Him any time you need Him! Love you lots and lots!!!!! Mama

  2. Bernadette, I’m so very proud of you. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for pressing in and obeying even when you didn’t feel like it. First off, I was literally tearing up reading your blog. What an incredible picture of surrender to the Lord. I love how tender He is!! Secondly, while I so appreciate your sensitivity to delayed follow through, please be sweet to yourself. In the end you obeyed. It reminds me of Matthew 21:28-31. Well done, faithful daughter.

  3. It is great to hear from you. You are blessed with the ability to paint a picture with words to allow those that read them to really understand the journey. Thank you for that. This sounds like a very formative experience. I’m praying for you.

  4. I even heard this story in person and I’m still crying reading this. In Culver’s. On my break. So so proud of you Bernice!!

  5. Hey there, nice to hear from you! I’ve been thinking of you lately and wondering how things were going. Sounds like you’re learning more and more about yourself and God’s everlasting love. Thanks for sharing and reminding us He’s always here for us. Take care! My prayers are with you!

  6. Your heart is honest in the sweetest way, Mrs. Hyde. thank you for your words of encouragement and prayer. Those verses are so straight forward, they are loud and clear! I love how honest Jesus is. Thank you for carrying this with your whole heart. I love you and am very thankful for you!

  7. Your prayers mean so much to me. Thank you for leaning your ear to the stories the Lord is telling through my everyday steps; I’m praying for you as well!

  8. One of the few people I’ll laugh with at the ridiculous pronunciations of my name. Thank you for your loving friendship, Joel!!

  9. Coming from THE Elizabeth Grace Friend, daughter of the Kind Himself, these words bring tears to my eyes. Love love love you.

  10. Coming from THE Elizabeth Grace Friend, daughter of the Kind Himself, these words bring tears to my eyes. Love love love you.

  11. Thank you so so much for your continued prayers!!! I haven’t stopped praying for you all! Sending hugs your way 🙂

  12. Kristi, your words are powerful and encouraging! Thank you so much for your prayers and sweet & constant support. Sending love and hugs to you and your sweet family!

  13. Amen and amen, Mama!! I am thankful for the journey He’s walking me through. Just as JDM it wasn’t easy, but so worth it!! love you!

  14. Wow Sweetie, what a journey you have already walked…. and there’s more, lots lots more!

    Boy, this certainly brings back this time… you were amazingly brave through it all!! And in reading this, I am again brought to my knees in prayer and praise….

    Bernadette, thank you for being brave and walking this out…. thank you for not giving up, but giving in to the comfort of your Heavenly Father! Thank You Lord for continuing to work Your healing in and through Bernadette!! Thank You Lord for shining Your light to so many!!!

    Sweetie, may you continue to feel the abundant love and peace from your Heavenly Father! And may you continue to be open to HIS healing grace! Well done, sweet one, for your beautiful display of obedience!

    I love you so so so very much!!!

  15. Oh how the Father knew I needed to have you as my mum throughout this process. Your encouragement to be strong in feeling my emotions and continuous love in every step truly pushed me to His feet. thank you for bringing others into this journey to be praying and holding our hands along the way. I love you and the beautiful way you see the Father! thank you for loving me where I’m at just as the Father does so sweetly. I pray you see yourself as His reflection! I love you SO much, Momma!!!!! xoxox