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Kimmy Ann Beacham, you are one of a kind.
You seek after the Lord daily and share what you’re learning any chance you get.
You genuinely love those around you with the best effort.
You push through those hard moments and take them to the feet of the Father.
You hold my hand when I’m sad and help me learn the best way to walk through situations.
You stay up with me with a smile to help me finish my school work.
You drove me back and forth from school to practice to restaurants over and over again.
You aren’t afraid to tell me hard things and let me learn what I need to.
You give the BEST hugs a girl could ask for.
You could be a hot chocolate taste-tester for a living and win the award for the best hot chocolate maker.
You rock my world with your dance moves.
You have a smile that carries more joy than words can say.
You put up with my antics with more grace than I know what to do with.
You have one of THE best senses of humor.
You know the perfect time to go for a bug out.
You work harder than anyone I know.
You inspire me with your smile acts of kindness to your depth with the Father.
You are overflowing with generosity.
You show me that I have endless potential.
You are willing to go to the ends of the earth to see me.
You come up with the best traditions.
You fill my life with creativity.
You are living proof that this world has love in it.
You push me to grow my gifts no matter how hard it may be.
You are a BOMB road trip buddy.
You make our house a home.
You turn dull into a ball.
You embody the fruits of the spirit.
You are a woman of your word.
You know what you want or need and go after it.
You are raising me with the Lord at the center.
You know what to say and when to say it.
You know how to have the most fun wherever we go.
You continue to teach me everything I need to know for life.
You grill like a pro.
You know how to truly party.
You are an amazing listener.
You go out of your way to show others you care.
You aren’t afraid to get down in the dirt every now and again.
You forgive me in everything and are forgiven for everything.
You’ve waited 9 months to see me TWICE now… that’s impressive.
You may not think it, but you deserve the world and more.
You. Are. So. Stunning. (Inside and out.)
You are the BEST MUM EVER!!!!!!!!!!
You are my best friend and I am beyond thankful for you.



9 responses to “This one’s for you, Momma!”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your mother! You are both are like two peas in a pod. You compliment each other in everything you do. You look out for her and she takes good care of you. Bernadette, you are very lucky to have a mother that has the Lord at the center of her life. She is a perfect example for you to follow. And you are a very thoughtful young lady. I love you both very much!!!!!! Hug and kisses. Love, Mama

  2. To me, that is! I clicked send too soon. Haha! This is a beautiful tribute.

  3. You are absolutely right Bernadette, you have an amazing mom! Through this 9 month journey, she has been a wonderful friend, great listener, pray warrior, encourager and so so kind. I love her so much!!

  4. Is it any wonder you are a truly amazing young woman (with a voice like an angel!) who inspires the socks off of me! I’m proud to call your mum, friend. Thank you for sharing you AND her with me – with US! Love to both of you on this special day. Muah!

  5. Love everything about this! God sure did bless you with the best of the best! ??

  6. She is the best Bernadette and she has the most wonderful daughter! Dan’t wait to see you!!

  7. That was so sweet!! What a tribute to your mom. The love between you definitely shows!! God has blessed you with her. And I’m pretty sure she feels blessed to have you! 🙂

  8. Wow Sweetie… I have always had wonderful Mother’s Days, thank you thank you! But this one… this one has been crazy overwhelming (in a great way), thank you thank you! AND thanking the Lord for this as well!!

    I have felt so much love! It has been wonderful!

    With all you have shared here, I am in tears… happy tears of memories shared and those to come… joyful tears of the Lord’s goodness, so so good! And you have expressed HIS goodness and HIS blessings here… how beautiful!

    You, my precious one, are beautiful beyond words…. inside and out, forever and always! You love so intentionally and so well! Thank you!! Not only have you showered me with love again this year, but I also received extra blessings from the Lord! Super grateful for all this!

    And then to read these sweet sweet comments from lovely friends… I am overwhelmed, thank you!

    Sweetie, you are the bestest!!! I am honored and blessed to be your mum… we are a great team!!! Love you, love you, so so so very much! Looking forward to hugging you soon!!!