
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Jellyfish are composed of 95% water, the other 5% is a solid matter to hold them intact. They lack a brain, a heart, or any blood in their bodies. Some are larger than humans while others are smaller than the head of a pin. They have the ability to move up and down with ease but are ultimately controlled by the current of the ocean.

Humans are composed of about 60% water, the other 40% a combination of oxygen, hydrogen, the list goes on and on. Our 3-pound brain, powerful pumping hearts, and 10(ish) pints of blood keep us on the move on a daily basis, and as humans, we freely do what we please.We are created in hundreds of different colors and sizes.

A few days ago, a few friends and I went to the Georgia Aquarium. After walking through for a few hours, my mind is boggled.

The Father created this universe and the creatures in it with such intention.

He made these…



And these…



Some of these…



A lot of these…



And He had His reasons for it all.


For some wild reason, He chose to create me. He gave me a brain, a heart, a set of eyes, a soul, blood to flow through my veins, tiny little blonde hairs on my arms, nails on my fingers and toes, a voice to communicate within words and song, emotions to feel to their fullness, breath to breathe 24 hours a day…

the fullness of His being never ends.

He chose to give me each of these crazy beautiful qualities and abilities for the sake of His kingdom. He chose to give you these gifts as well. Jeremiah 29:11 is a classic verse for this circumstance; He knows the plans He has for us. But really and truly read that again. He knows the PLANS He has. Meaning, more than one plan. He has a purpose for us made up of hundreds of thousands of plans. We will mess up plans. Plans won’t be perfectly executed. Plans will change.

But His purpose is everlasting. He HIMSELF is everlasting. The Father doesn’t give up on His children. When we fall and scrape our knee, He’s there. He kisses our wound and we begin the healing process. We begin to walk again with His purpose in mind.

It’s easy for me to walk into the vines in front of me knowing I’ll get tangled inside. I’ve found myself in patterns of taking a few steps, walking into the traps, and crying for help when I’m in pain. The vines, these distractions, move my focus from His ultimate purpose to my present pleasure.

Comparison is a nasty net I walk into often. It’s clearly stated that He has plans and a purpose for each of us: some are similar, some are different. His vast character absolutely blows this comparing nature out of the water. He creates so perfectly and freely… so intentionally.

God created jellyfish: something without a brain, without a heart, without a soul… and yet, they are crucial in keeping the deep sea ecosystem in balance. Without them, the perfect balance the Father created wouldn’t be there. We have a thinking brain, a pumping heart, a feeling soul… and He has a purpose for each of us. He’s entrusted us with the ability to choose. He’s gifted us with feelings; some of which we can’t even describe in words. He’s blessed us with bodies that move and express and emote… good grief. He’s entrusted us with beautiful treasures. One of the most beautiful parts of it all?

He gives us grace when we get off track.

We have the pleasure of serving a God that does that and MORE.

As much as jellyfish blow me away, that blows me away even more. Realizing how different He’s created each of our hearts just goes to show His vast nature more than I can understand. He created creatures that don’t HAVE hearts. And yet, He has a purpose for them too 

I’m starting a new pattern. When I get caught up in the vines and tangled in lies, I seek for His ultimate purpose. He roots me back into His hands, and I feel capable of walking with Him guiding again. His vastness is now something that comforts me, instead of concerning me. He’s been waiting for me to get to this place, and He’s patient. It’s a joyful celebration when we rest in His purpose and vast nature—

…how comforting.




Here are some songs that have pushed me to see a deeper beauty of His character…

“New Wine” by Hillsong Worship

“Cecie’s Lullaby” by Steffany Gretzinger

“Benediction” by Josh Garrels


9 responses to “What’s the Point of a Jellyfish?”

  1. What a beautiful observation from a visit to an Aquarium. I have to agree with your Mom. A very beautifully written blog. I love you very much Bernadette! I know you have God in your life and you are listening to Him. I couldn’t want anything more for you! Love you lots and lots!!!

  2. Oh my goodness…. blown away…. thank you so much for digging into the Father and sharing this treasure! So wonderfully and beautifully said! Love you so so so very much!!!

  3. After reading your story…I need to go to our
    aquaraim…however you spell it and check out the sharks…
    putting my house up for sale and moving into a Assisted Living home
    in Monroe at Otterbein community
    Praise the Lord in the middle of the ocean there is a calm
    Love you lady

  4. Bernadette Beacham, wow. I love your continual yes to the Lord. I hear it in every word. I hear your loving adoration for our Abba Father, and it inspires me. This was incredible. I needed it this morning. Thank you, dear one.

  5. I am forever thankful for the sweet moments where feel His perfect timing~~ thank you for sharing that with me! So super thankful for you and your presence in my life.

  6. I love you very much, Mama! thank you for your sweet words!!!! I’ll always remember our field trip to the aquarium. fun times!!!

  7. thank you for always encouraging me, mum!!! i am crazy thankful to have you as my mum. i love you so so much!!