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Current Location: Kolentsi, Ukriane

Here’s a map, my face is where we are located!!


 Andrew & Jenny Kelly, as well as their three kids, are our hosts this month in Ukraine. Andrew Kelly is the man behind Jeremiah’s Hope which is the organization our team has been paired with! We are living about an hour out from Kiev. The Kelly children, Abbie (4th grade), Sophie (2nd grade) and Noah (1st grade) go to school at an international school in Kiev; we will be working with the school this month as well as working with Jeremiah’s Hope.

To give you an idea of what Jeremiah’s Hope is, Andrew and Jenny started this organization about 15 years ago with plans of taking in orphan children and giving them shelter, food, care, life skills, and the love of Christ. Andrew also reaches out to surrounding villages to see how his organization can help out. Jeremiah’s Hope is based in a retreat ground which also gives the Kelly Family the opportunity to host retreats and minister to people in the process. For the orphan ministry aspect, there are a total of 3 orphan houses here on campus housing 17 children aging from 3 to 10. Each house has a set of house parents that take care of children as if they were their own.  For the retreat center aspect, there are 8 cabins around the campus as well as one main hall for eating and gathering. The retreat grounds can house up to 85 people.

So far in our time here we have been able to assist in hosting a retreat group, visit the orphan houses to help the house parents with daily life, go to the international school in Kiev to be reading buddies with 1st-4th graders, and visited surrounding villages to give food and love to the elderly who live there. This will all continue as the month does, and I am loving every moment of it.

Going into Ukriane, my team and I had absolutely no idea what to expect. We were told we would be living on a campground, which at first, we all just about cried. Tent camping… in Ukraine… in OCTOBER?? We had all the equipment needed for this, but none of us had the desire, or the guts. When we heard back from Andrew that we would actually be living indoors, in the beds in the main hall of the camp in fact, our spirits were instantly lifted. We still had no idea what this would look like, but hey we wouldn’t be tenting in winter weather so we were happy! We are living very happily together as a team and are very excited to continue to learn and grow as individuals and as a team. 

My absolute favorite part of where we are living this month is the fact that we’re in the middle of nowhere. No cities near us, which means no city lights. All of that to say, the night sky brings me to tears almost every night. The sky is one of the clearest ones I’ve seen, and I am so thankful the Lord loves me so sweetly with the stars. 

I’m living life with some of my favorite ladies and having a blast while doing it, thank you all for supporting me and loving me so well. Here’s a photo of all of us on our recent off day… we decided to attend the opera. ($13 for a European Opera…? Heck stinkin yeah.)





Here are some songs I’ve been jammin to lately!

“Not in a Hurry” by Will Reagan and United Pursuit

“Pennies from Heaven” by Louis Prima

“Take it all Back 2.0” by Judah & the Lion

20 responses to “Where Even Is Bernadette? // Life & Ministry Update”

  1. Bernadette, it sounds like God has His arms around you!! It must be a very busy time–helping with the children, working at the international school, and visiting with the older people. I can tell you love every minute of it. So glad you can enjoy these moments! Speaking of the stars have you found any of the constellations that we talked about last year? Ha! Ha! I bet you never thought you would use that information again! God has given you many gifts, Bernadette. Enjoy them. Love you lots and lots! Mama

  2. Wow, God is sujrely taking you on quite a journey.Enjoy following all your adventures and service thru your words. God has given you quite a gift, Dean Hesselgesser

  3. Sweetie, so good to hear what you ladies are up to! Jeremiah’s Hope sounds like a wonderful ministry! And all the opportunities you all are getting to be a part of in Ukraine… FUN, FUN, FUN! Your Heavenly Father loves y’all so much! Getting to see an Opera… bonus! Thank you for the picture ~ you ladies are beautiful as ever! And thanks for the music… enjoy listening together, although many many miles apart, lol! I’m so excited HE has blessed you with beautiful skies, especially night skies… I know how much you love them! Love YOU so very much!! xoxoxox

  4. What a wonderful feeling loving the orphans and people. A neat experience going to their schools…they are feeling your ?? love…we love you too

  5. So glad your ministry time is going well! It sounds like a lot of fun. I’m glad you didn’t have to live out of tents! 🙂 and how exciting to go see an opera. That is just an extra bit of awesome! Continuing to pray for you and your team. Hugs!!

  6. Your ministry sounds absolutely awesome and I’m excited to see what God does through you all and in you all this month!! I miss you and am praying for you!

    Love you,

  7. I want to go to an opera, what an experience! I saw an add for a symphony and am pretty darn tempted!

  8. I very much enjoy reading about your journey. The ministry sounds great. I’m also glad you are taking in the local culture. I try to do that as much as I can when traveling for work – no better way to better understand perspectives better and connect with people more deeply. Love the map by the way.

  9. Hi, Bernadette! Love your update. Sometimes being in the middle of nowhere is an incredible experience……..just you and God! Nothing is better than that!??. Thanks for including the picture….you look so HAPPY!!?? Here’s a hug ?? and our love! “Grandma” Pat

  10. You are so right, I am truly loving ALL of it!! It’s fantastic! I’d have to say my favorite is visiting the school. Those kids are fantastic! And yes speaking of the stars… I see Cassiopeia every night before bed and Orion when I wake up at 6:00am!! It’s so fun hahah! I love using the knowledge of stars that we learned about. Thank you for being patient with me along the way of learning… love you lots and lots!!

  11. Yes indeed He is!! It’s such a fun one, thank you for following me along the way with it! Your words mean a lot, thank you so much!

  12. It is SO wonderful!!! We absolutely love it here! The Lord knows how to treat me and boy He sure is doin it!!! He’s placing so many fun and exciting learning experiences in my life and I couldn’t be more thankful. (The opera had me jumping for joy, that’s for sure!) I’m so glad you listen to the music, I love hearing what people are listening to so it’s a fun way for me to connect! And yes my word these skies… WHEW! Talk about beauty!!! I Love you so very much, mum!!! xoxoxo

  13. Yes me too!!! We are having a blast! Hah, we are also so glad we don’t have to live in tents! There is snow on the radar for 4 days this next week… this should be interesting hahahah! The opera was beautiful, I’m so thankful we had the opportunity to go! Thank you so much for the prayers! Love you!!

  14. I’m so excited to see how He continues to move here this month for sure! Thank you for your love and prayers!! Miss you!
    Love & hugs,

  15. Thank you so much for supporting me in so many ways through this time! This ministry is so amazing. The culture is a fantastic thing to be able to take in; the similarities, differences, and traditions are fascinating. LOVE it! That’s a great point to, that is indeed the best way to connect. Hah thank you, I’ll admit I laughed about it for a good 20 minutes.

  16. I am loving being in the middle of nowhere! It’s fantastic!! Thank you so much for your kind words and love!!! Sending love your way!!

  17. Hey Sweetie, meant to tell you…. I love the map! You loooook maaavalous!!! Love you and your sweet face! xoxoxox

  18. Hi Bernadette! I agree, you look so happy!! And whew on not tenting in the winter! Your ministry for the next month sounds so neat!! And so cool you got to experience opera in the Ukraine! Thanks for the update! Love, hugs and more prayers!!